Jan 3, 2009

Great South West Walk at Nelson

4 Day walk from Moleside camp on the GSWW track. Glenelg River, Nelson.
14th Jan 2009.
Diary entries:
Stayed at Ballarat the night before, got up at 5.30 am. Hot already!. All packs are packed, though it took 2 hours the night before to sort out our rations for which we are a day short! (So we thought at the time!) Baseing our quota on single man Army issue ration packs and extra supllies of condensed milk, quick cook oats & lollies. Water and food make the bulk of our 20+kg packs! Sue has had to ditch her new warm rain coat (ah la the man from snowy river type) so "I" hope it doesn't pour down with rain. (cos I told her she wouldn't need it) And her new fold away chair!
Saying good bye to comfy beds and soft chairs now. And Sue has rationed her smokes to 14 for the whole trip!! If we come back alive, Sue might be a bit crankier.
Left Ballarat at 6.30 am and arrived at Moleside camp at 11.30am having 1st checked our names and intentions to the parks info centre in Nelson.

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