Feb 22, 2009

That dark patch on the right of the photo is the track we thought would take us to our next camp, instead we ended up out on a road not knowing where we were or what to do next. We retraced our steps back in and found a massive (the correct) track a car could fit through which we walked straight past. We have no idea why we didn't see it. It had a GSWW orange triangle marker pointing to it as well!

Feb 3, 2009

GSWW Diary. Day 3

Day 3 Diary. Post and Rail to Saunders Landing.
Left Post and Rail. Pack felt good today, I'm really happy with my Kathmandu pack, I had it fitted when I bought it, and it supports all the weight so I don't feel like I'm carrying a big load.
A short walk to Pritchards car camp, then kept walking, stopped for a cuppa on a sandy road track and laid the hoochy down. We were on a slight bend and said later that we're lucky a car didn't come belting along! Not that any cars ever did use the tracks, but they could have! (imaginations running wild again) A short walk from there found us back at Saunders landing (30 mins)
Note: Beware that the GSWW triangle signs are either not there or very confusing, it's ok to get into Saunders landing but hopeless to find a sign to get out, and there was NO sign telling us how to get on the right track to go back to Moleside. 2 posts near the boat ramp had been freshly painted white, that was the only road out, so we followed that, got lost and had to back track as we ended up out on the made road AGAIN! No GSWW signs anywhere!!
So the tip here is, follow the sandy road from Saunders and when you see another road on the left hand side with a gate that says walkers, that means you! We didn't take it the first time as we were looking for the GSWW triangle sign to tell us when to turn off. There is none.
Back to the diary.
Pitched tents and had a good swim & then lunch, gathered firewood, there wasn't much to be found and the big logs were green. The park ranger came by and helped me out by ringing my daughter. I spoke to her and told her what I was doing. Not a long talk though. (there is no mobile phone reception) Two boys came kayaking in and I took a photo of them paddling, I'll send it via email to them.
The stars tonight were wonderful, after playing with Sues new powerful torch (A la Darth Vader) we went to the landing, the night was so still the water mirrored the stars perfectly, it is something I will never forget, it was beautiful. The wild pig and the tennis ball were out in full force that night when we were tucked up in our tents. (probably in reality a cute tiny marsupial and a little frog)
Lessons to be learned today:
1. Don't go thumping into bush land trying to alert snakes of your pending presence, only wearing your sandals. The jumping ants bite!!
2. Sue, do not watch your mossie bitten arm whilst walking towards the edge of the river landing cos you will trip and nearly fall into the water!

Jan 3, 2009

Day 2 Diary Photos

Sue writing in her diary.

Thanks goodness we brought the hammer!

GSWW Dairy. Day 2.

15th Jan 2009. Day 2. Saunders Landing to Post and Rail camp.
Woke about 9am. slept in my cocoon tent ok. Watched the moon through the roof. Soreness wore off pretty quickly moving about. Met the man who the Landing is named after, Mr Saunders. He came to launch his boat to do some fishing with his best mate. Said he cleared the area himself and had built a hut there in the 70's. The Parks people made him pull it down. Left there about 10:45 and walked to Pritchards car camping area. Had a swim and filled up with water from a campers shop bought water supply container. We had been drinking the river water, pretty nice it is too.. Ate a good lunch of Army spag bol, soup, coffee etc... Moved off to Post and Rail camp 40 minutes away. Pitched our tents & taught Sue she has to suck her condensed milk straight from the tube. And she said it was "Good." Went for a swim by accessing the river walking through the reeds, no platform at "post and rail" b/c it's a walk in camp only. Not for kayaks or boats.

Toilets and tank rain water at site. Plenty of tinder dry fire wood. We are going to light a fire in the big fire place tonight.

GSWW Nelson. Part 2, Day 1.

14th Jan 9. Day 1 continued...
Now the map said a 3-4 hr walk to Post and Rail camp. Well! 1st off, half an hour into the walk Sue was wobbling side to side, in pain, her pack was already killing her! Was the walk going to cease b/f it even began? 3kms later and never sighting the Glenelg river which our map specifically shows that we should be following its course along the river line, we stopped. I had hit a brick wall. Sweat dripping over my eyebrow I just had to stop where ever we are and drop my pack and have a sit. Good time for a cuppa!! (& a wee.) but b/f that Sue & I swapped packs. Argh! All my light weight gear I selected was now on Sue's back. But my pack was heavier than Sue's anyway b/c I carried a shovel & hammer. sues pack is disgusting! As I was feeling the pain on my body I was imagining cutting the thing up into 1" squares and tossing them far and wide. Anyway, further on after our cuppa & back with my pack again we walked & walked & .... Where did we end up!? Straight out onto a made Rd. Where were we?! Who knows. So back we went into the bush again. Then we saw a massive GSWW sign and a massive Rd which we both swear, it wasn't there when we 1st passed that way. :-) Anyway we were back down towards the river. At near on 4pm we came upon Saunders landing and decided to pitch there for the night, even though a "No Camping" sign was posted. Went for a swim which was great to wash all our grime off, and there was plenty. The jet boil is fantastic! It even started after I accidentally poured water over the ignition cos I forgot to take it out of the cup part when dismantling it. Saw a black snake slide away behind my tent after I put it up, it just went on its way. What spooked us the most was the noises in the night. We swear there was a big wild pig and a tennis ball out there in the bush. We even had a brush tail possum walk into our camp as if it owned the place, tame as all get out. Lesson to be learned at the end of the day. 1. Don't cook with a hex stove on a wooden table. 2. don't play Yahtzee with Sue!

Great South West Walk at Nelson

4 Day walk from Moleside camp on the GSWW track. Glenelg River, Nelson.
14th Jan 2009.
Diary entries:
Stayed at Ballarat the night before, got up at 5.30 am. Hot already!. All packs are packed, though it took 2 hours the night before to sort out our rations for which we are a day short! (So we thought at the time!) Baseing our quota on single man Army issue ration packs and extra supllies of condensed milk, quick cook oats & lollies. Water and food make the bulk of our 20+kg packs! Sue has had to ditch her new warm rain coat (ah la the man from snowy river type) so "I" hope it doesn't pour down with rain. (cos I told her she wouldn't need it) And her new fold away chair!
Saying good bye to comfy beds and soft chairs now. And Sue has rationed her smokes to 14 for the whole trip!! If we come back alive, Sue might be a bit crankier.
Left Ballarat at 6.30 am and arrived at Moleside camp at 11.30am having 1st checked our names and intentions to the parks info centre in Nelson.


Camping List

1. Sleeping bag
2. Thermorest self inflatable mattress
3. Hex Stoves with tablets
4. Kova ignition burner
5. Butane/propane fuel canisters
6. Jetboil
7. Camelbak bladder 2 litres
8. Water bottle
9. All purpose tool kit
10. Compass
11. Tent
12. Hoochies with pegs
13. Hammer
14. Drink cup
15. Camp dinner pans
16. Headlamp
17. Toilet paper
18. Chux towels
19. Blue hand towel
20. Toiletries – tooth paste, brush, soap, tablets
21. Bathers
22. Sarong
23. Ration packs
24. Mossie quiol
25. Rain poncho
26. Net mossie hat
27. Sun hat
28. Zinc cream – Sun cream – Insect repellant
29. Yahtzee
30. Sudoku
31. Shovel
32. 1ST Aid stuff – crepe bandage, micropore, Band-Aids, Betadine, eye wash, Whistle.
33. Extra cord
34. Comb
35. Eye mask
36. Camera tri pod